



Discord: camp_lad_david or the public Discord Server!
Misc: camp_lad_david or camp-lad-david

You can ask me stuff or bully me anonymously on either Tumblr or CuriousCat.

A fun, less serious mirror to this page can be found here!



upfront, i have memory issues! please don't be offended if i forget to message you or forget that we were talking! you're never bugging me if you're popping back up! i am just very easily distracted!
i am incredibly spaced out 98% of the time! incredibly spaced!




(currently very selective with taking on new RPs. Sorry!)
if you would like to RP, the best place to contact me is discord. make sure you tell me where your found me though!




Nicknames: Davey. {?}
Age: 24.
Height: Around 6ft.
Sex: Male.
[ He / They. ]
Bi - Male leaning.



-Non-canon OCs.
-Open minded.
-No judgement!
-Discord RP.
-Story Driven.
-NSFW welcome.



-One liners.
-Under 18s.
-OOC Drama.
-Going over.

🔞 Minors Do Not Interact! 🔞

You can find my commissions info here
Ko-Fi Tips!

non-david stuff? oh, here!
